I have been flying s toy quadcopters for a while now. The type of photo opportunities a quadcopter opens up is stunning if you haven't ...

Cameras are like motorcycles. There is always some more bling and some more niceties to add to make them work better. I have been culling so...

In all honestly, I see myself gutting some of these lens when I actually start the trip. But these are the lens I have, and right now, all o...

This is a once in a lifetime trip for me. I want to capture as much of this as possible, at least so that I can watch it later, 10-20 years ...

This step has carried on gradually over the years. The way I have my bike prepped, I am confident on hopping on it to carry on this trip any...

India is a great country. It has a lot to offer, in the tiny space it takes in this planet. The terrain is diverse, the cultures from one co...

I am so glad to get this started. Where do I begin? I have a lot of things to go in terms of explaining what this is all about. I am proba...